Unknown 5:30 AM
As women, we all know the importance of makeup. With the advancement and extreme diversity in choice, the desire to have ...
Unknown 7:44 PM
What is the best type of foundation to use if you have oily, acne prone or sensitive skin? Mineral makeup can be a magnificent alter...
Unknown 11:31 AM
photo credit: adley.haywood NaShea Headshot via photopin (license) Sometimes us girls want to be glamorous but there are other days w...
Unknown 11:07 AM
photo credit: TORIMBC Purr (Self Portrait) via photopin (license) Halloween has always been a fun time to try different looks. F...
Unknown 1:03 PM
photo credit: checkmezov Masha via photopin (license) Welcome to Daily Cup of Beauty, your daily blog for beauy tips, trends and ...
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