• Creating a clean Natural Look

    photo credit: adley.haywood NaShea Headshot via photopin (license)

    Sometimes us girls want to be glamorous but there are other days where we could be feeling sort of anti-glam. Just because we don't want to express our selves with an extra pop of color does not meant that we don't want to look good! Here are a few tips for creating that beautifully clean natural look.

    1. Stick to using foundation - Although we may be tempted to go without it, foundation or the use of a BB or CC cream in it's place will give your look just the right finish
    2. Use an eye shadow that is close to your skin tone - Lighter skin tones may want to go with a peach yet darker tones may want to go with a bronze or golden color. The eyeshadow should pop but should certainly be able to blend with your foundation
    3. Add a little bit of blush - Don't be shy to add a little blush!
    4. Use a nude lip color and or a lip gloss - A nude lip color with with a clear gloss over it should do the trick or even a nude colored or light pink gloss should be able to give you that natural finish as well.
    5. Forget the mascara - Yes we all LOVE mascara but when wearing a natural look you want to be wearing as little make up as possible to yes, sorry you can forget your mascara this time!

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